Caleb's Three Month Update + Monthly Favorites

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Happy three months to our little man! Caleb is babbling non-stop and his little noises are the CUTEST THING EVER. He loves telling stories, is holding onto items, and learned how to roll from tummy to back.

This sweet face! I dieee.

For the July 4th weekend, me and a few close girlfriends flew to Nashville for a bachelorette party. This was a first of many sorts: first time in Nashville, first time leaving baby for an ENTIRE weekend, first time being able to sleep in with no responsibilities since having baby. The getaway was amazing and I loved spending time with my girlfriends...but I could not wait to get home to my little dude!

Celebrating the bride-to-be, Meghan! And totes getting wasted.

Getting glam in Nashville, y'all!

Beers in boot mugs and the best tacos ever at Bakersfield.

Since about seven weeks, Caleb was sleeping pretty well and doing 4-5 hour stretches in the middle of the night. Until he wasn't. HOLY SLEEP REGRESSION. Apparently some babies go through this four month sleep regression (and sometimes it happens at three months), so Caleb was up every 30 minutes to an hour and would never settle in the middle of the night - poor guy! We gave Caleb lots and lots of extra snuggles, held him while he slept at night, and tried to take it one day at a time. It took a little under two weeks (and lots of caffeine during the day) before he was back to his regular sleep habits. Not gonna lie, I loved the extra snuggles but mama's gotta sleep!

This month also marked a big change for all of us because we moved Caleb out of our room into his nursery. To say I was emotional was a complete understatement. I'm pretty sure I watched him on the monitor the entire night while pounding a bottle of wine thinking about how he's such a big boy now in his big boy crib.

Summer nights with my main squeeze. Those chubby cheeks though!

Luna loving on her little bro.

I'm blown away by all of the new things that Caleb is learning or doing each day. As each month passes and he begins hitting new milestones, I can't help but wonder where my little newborn went. I miss the little newborn snuggles!

  • Talks all the time!
  • Holds onto items
  • Pulls things to his mouth
  • Won't stop drooling
  • Likes to look at himself in the mirror
  • Enjoys listening to music
  • Likes to watch the dogs
  • Wears 3-6 month clothing
  • Eats every 2-3 hours
  • Can roll from tummy to back
  • Getting stronger at holding his head up
  • Still being swaddled at night
  • Still likes to be rocked to sleep

Daddy's Favorite Three Months Moment: When Caleb smiles at me in the morning when I get him from his crib.

Mommy's Favorite Three Months Moment: Watching Caleb roll from his tummy to back for the first time. He's so advanced.

Looking Forward To: The next sleep regression! Just kidding. Looking forward to Caleb being able to pet his puppy sisters on his own.

  • There is nothing better than coming home from (a long day of) work to a cute little face that is so happy to see you. Unless he's crying.
  • It's a race to see who can hold Caleb first when we pick him up at night. Spoiler alert: I usually win!
  • Going on three months wearing my maternity jeans still. I'm planning to make a transition to regular jeans next month (maybe!).
  • I've been so busy with Caleb that I feel like I haven't spent as much time with the pups. I'm trying to include them as much as I can and do one-on-one playtime with them once Caleb goes down for the night.
  • Caleb's sleep regression was tougher than having a newborn. But we survived! Until the next sleep regression...
  • Caleb's eyes are changing colors. They were a dark blue before but now they are becoming more hazel. I wonder what they will officially be?
  • Dear Caleb, please stop growing. Love, Your Mommy

This is probably one of my favorite baby toys! The blocks are soft and colorful and easy for baby to hold on to. It makes this crinkle noise that Caleb goes crazy for when he plays with it. And because he's putting EVERYTHING in his mouth nowadays, I don't get worried that he'll hurt himself with these.

If we weren't using Caleb's activity mat, he was practicing tummy time on this wedge. There's a few different activities for baby to interact with and he especially liked the little mirror!

We purchased the Dropcam Pro camera (normally used as a home security system) and we love it! Dropcam was recently purchased by Google and has now merged with the Nest cam. It's pretty secure in the sense that if someone hacked into our Wi-fi, they wouldn't be able to hack into our video stream because the data is encrypted. The video quality is clear (it streams in HD) and we can easily pull it up on our phones/laptops/iPad. You can also talk back through it, just like other baby monitors. If you are considering getting a Wi-fi monitor or security camera, I highly recommend this one!

If we're not using the Wubbanub pacifier, we always have one of these pacifiers lying around in pretty much every part of our house. It's just a good, basic pacifier. Also love that it comes with a cap that you can put on the pacifier when stashing it in your diaper bag.

SwaddleDesigns Muslin Baby Bibs
These cute little bibs are perfect for those drooly messes! Caleb is always sporting a bib because he is constantly drooling. Like all. the. time. These little bibs did just the trick! The designs are adorable and they are also super soft.

Taggies Tag 'n Play Pals Dog
Of course Caleb would love this toy because it looks just like his real life puppy sister! This dog is super soft and fun to cuddle with. Caleb has fun exploring the tags all over the dog!

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