Addressing Wedding Invitations

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Getting ready to send out your wedding invitations means that the wedding is getting closer!

I knew I wanted to do my own addressing of envelopes to save money. I first was going to handwrite on the envelopes, but I was short on time and knew that trying to tackle addressing all 100+ envelopes was going to be somewhat aggressive (especially when I already had a million other things to do). I also remember how long it took me to handwrite the save the dates, which I did staggered over the course of a few weeks. I decide to go with clear labels, but sometimes I’ve seen them and they’ve looked just okay.

I knew it would all come down to the font choice and design for the labels. I picked a pretty script font for the names (Jellyka Delicious Cake) and paired it with an all-caps serif font that I previously had (Trajan Pro) for the address. I also used the same script font for the numbers in the address (street number, apartment number, and ZIP code).

I wanted to use larger labels because the envelopes were 5” x 7”. I went to Staples and bought the Avery Clear Easy Peel Address Labels (size 1 1/3” x 4”) for $12.99. I formatted the labels on Microsoft Word (make sure to use one of the templates), then printed them out. Make sure to do a test run on regular paper before printing on the labels, just to make sure it lines up correctly. Also, make sure to check that the ink has dried completely on one sheet of labels first, or else it’ll smear once you try to put the label on the envelope.

They actually turned out better than I expected! And it was cheap. And it saved me an incredible amount of time. And they still looked professional (which was my biggest concern). I was able to stuff and affix the labels for all of the invitations over 2-3 days. And even better, I can reuse them again when I do my thank you cards. Win, win!

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