Personalized Return Address Stamps

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

For someone who sends out mail all the time (not as much as Leila though!) - the best $30 that I’ve ever spent was on a self-inking customized address stamp! I’ve had mine for awhile now and have used it way more than I thought I would - save the dates, wedding invitations (which saved us money), holiday cards - just to name a few.

I searched around on different websites and ultimately found a great selection on Etsy (ranging anywhere from $20-$30) - and the designs were way more creative and prettier than the typical stamp you get from a big name office supply store.

photo courtesy of foryoo stamps + paper.

I love these cute little Etsy shops - foryoo and NoteTrunk - and have also ordered from both of them.

This is a great personalized gift to give anyone that loves stationery, someone who just moved into a new home, or as a wedding gift for the newlyweds!

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