DIY Framed Burlap Monogram

Thursday, March 14, 2013

This DIY framed monogram basically set the entire theme for my rustic wedding. It was the first “official” wedding decor that I made after we had set a wedding date - and I loved the way it turned out! I couldn’t find a frame size that I liked, so I ended up buying a black diploma frame from Home Goods and spray painted it white. The only downfall to that option was that the diploma frame didn’t have a built-in stand because it was meant to hang on the wall, so I had to look for a stand to hold this up the day before the wedding!

The inspiration for this came from Love Of Family & Home - and this was all over Pinterest, too. I purchased the burlap fabric, wood letter, and paint from Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts. I basically followed each step exactly how it’s listed in that post, except I didn’t use the same paint colors (something similar though).

Frame, burlap, wooden letter, paint, paintbrush, hot glue gun, scissors

  1. Paint the letter as desired (I followed the instructions above).
  2. Take apart the frame and cover the frame board with the burlap.
  3. Hot glue the burlap to the frame board. I basically pretended as if I was gift wrapping the board, and glued the burlap to the back of the board.
  4. Put the frame back together (without the glass).
  5. Place the letter as desired in the center of the frame.
  6. Hot glue the letter onto the burlap.

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